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XQuery Affiliate

Session Descriptions
Java, Web Technologies, Open Source, XML, and XQuery

If you're interested in having Jason Hunter speak at your conference or to your company, the following are some talks Jason has already prepared. Please write to for details on pricing and availability.

[See Jason's Credentials]

Introduction to XQuery (1.5 hours to 3 days, depending)

Jason has become an expert in XQuery and has prepared instruction materials for a short 90 minute introduction, a full 3 day tutorial, or anything in between. The longer the course, the more students learn. Topics include: Overview, XQuery language basics, XPath, XQuery language in depth, server administration, XQuery language structure, connecting to XQuery from Java, making the most of the F&O, understanding XQuery types, modifying documents, and searching documents.

New Features of JDK 1.5 (3 hours)

This talk showcases the upcoming additions to J2SE 1.5 (Tiger) including: Generics, autoboxing, an enhanced "for" loop, an "enum" feature, static importing, varargs, and metadata.

New Features of JDK 1.4 (1 day)

This talk combines the following four component talks (New I/O, Preferences, Logging, and Assertions) into a fully comprehensive tutorial introduction to the new features in JDK 1.4.

JDK 1.4: New I/O (3 hours)

"SocketChannel, MappedByteBuffer, Selector, InetSocketAddress, Charset, and Matcher". If these classes don't look familiar to you, attend this talk about Java's New I/O package "java.nio"! You'll learn about Java's new channel metaphor, see how to best utilize the new raw memory buffers, find out about the new Selector class that's been modeled after C's select(), and play with the new built-in regular expression engine. The java.nio package promises to change the future of network and graphics programming, and this class shows you why.

JDK 1.4: Preferences (1.5 hours)

Java Preferences are a mechanism to store,retrieve, and modify user preference and configuration data. In this talk you'll see how the Preferences API can simplify your applications, find out how this approach compares to using Properties files, JNDI, and XML, and watch as we use the pluggable SPI interface to perform some cool tricks. Note: The Preferences API was created by Josh Bloch, mastermind of Java Collections and author of "Effective Java", and even those without a need for Preferences will enjoy the examination of Josh's approach.

JDK 1.4: Logging (1.5 hours)

Logging is, naturally,a mechanism to write program output to log files or other tracking systems during the course of program execution. In this short tutorial you'll learn how to use the new JDK 1.4 Logging API and hear how it compares to Apache's log4j.

JDK 1.4: Assertions (1 hour)

This talk covers Assertions, a mechanism to ensure program correctness through the insertion of assertion statements within the code. Because this feature is built into the JVM, there is no extra runtime overhead! Here we'll explain how assertions work and how to make the most of the feature.

An Introduction to Open Source and Collaborative Development (1 day)

This is a tutorial for people interested in knowing about open source. I'm not going to talk about any particular open source technologies but rather about the open source history and culture and how to survive and thrive within it. I'll explain how and why open source works, show the business and technical benefits and costs of the open model, talk about the user roles and community rules of open projects, and summarize the license options and license interactions. If you're a developer you will leave knowing how to more effectively participate in or lead open source efforts; if you're business-minded you will leave with an understanding if "going open" makes sense for your situation.

Servlet and JSP Fundamentals (1-3 days including lab time)

This tutorial provides a technical introduction to servlets and JSPs and server-side Java development. Designed for the programmer just getting started with Java-based web programming, this class takes students from 0 to 60 mph and then, in the longer versions, to 150 mph and beyond. Given by the author of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly).

Open Source and Java (3 hours)

The rules for open source Java implementations changed dramatically with the Apache-Sun announcement at JavaOne 2002. This session, given by the Apache representative who made the announcement with Scott McNealy, provides you with an opportunity to talk with the the world expert on these issues about what happened, why it happened, and what it means for business.

JDOM Makes XML Easy (1.5 hours)

JDOM (JSR-102) is a Java API for processing XML documents that's both simple and convenient. At a high level, it's similar to the DOM, but since JDOM was designed specifically for Java rather than for multiple languages, it feels much more natural and "right" to Java programmers. This session teaches you how to use JDOM to easily and efficiently read and write XML documents from your Java programs while automatically maintaining well-formedness and checking validity. We'll also speak about how putting JDOM through Sun's Java Community Process (JCP) as a Java Specification Request (JSR) has benefitted JDOM. Given by the co-creator and leader of the JDOM project.

[JavaOne slides for this talk, PDF format]

Java Web Services Explained (1/2 day)

This talk provides an introduction to Web Services for the Java developer. You'll learn what web services are and why they're important (as well as where they're overhyped). Then you'll learn about the technologies in Java's "JAX Pack" and "Java Web Services Developer Pack" including JAXP, JAXM, JAXR, and JAX-RPC. By the end of the session you'll understand web services and be able to efficiently implement web services in Java. Given by the author of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly) and a member of the expert group for some of the "JAX Pack" technologies.

What's New with Servlets (1.5 hours)

Explore the latest developments in Java Servlet technology. We'll cover recent changes to the Servlet API (versions 2.3 and 2.4) and look at where servlets are headed in the future. Topics include: servlet request and response filtering, integrating servlets with J2EE, lifecycle events, internationalization, DTD changes, and more that hasn't even been invented at the time of this writing! Given by the author of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly).

Choosing the Best Java Web Interface Technology (1/2 day)

The Darwinistic battle between servlets, server-side applets, and other pluggable server-side Java APIs has ended, and servlets have been declared the winner. The new area of active innovation is above the servlet layer, at the presentation and framework levels, where individuals and companies are exploring how best to build on top of servlets to create effective web sites. In this tutorial we'll look at several of the popular alternatives for web interface building. For each competitor we'll provide some background on the tool, demonstrate in detail how to use the tool, and examine where the tool works best. Discussion afterward is always lively. Given by the author of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly).



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Copyright © 1999-2005 Jason Hunter
Last updated: March 1, 2009