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Useful URLs

Looking for servlet documentation? You've found it. This page lists the what I consider the top web sites for gaining general servlet knowledge. Unfortunately, it doesn't list the most important hard copy resource, the book Java Servlet Programming. Oops, now it does.

The list is divided into five sections:

If there are any sources you think should be added, please write document-idea at servlets dot com.

General Documentation
Official home site for servlets
Whitepapers, downloads, and other documentation.

Home page for Apache's Jakarta Project
The Tomcat open source reference implementation for servlets and JSPs!

Official API documentation for the Servlet API 2.2
Servlet classes are in the javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages.

Official API documentation for the Servlet API 2.1
Servlet classes are in the javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages.

Official JavaServer Pages (JSP) home
JSP 1.0 went final June 1999, JSP 1.1 went final December 1999, 1.2 is going final sometime in 2001.

Sun's comparison between JSP and ASP
A compelling argument for JSP.

The Web JSP Book from The Esperanto Group
An "open source" style book effort.

Copy of the early JSP 0.92 specification
For archival purposes only -- JSP 1.0 is far different.

Copy of the even earlier JSP 0.91 specification
For archival purposes only -- JSP 1.0 is far different.

Sun's list of external servlet resources
Still pretty sparse.

Servlet FAQ from jGuru
Fair number of questions. Most of the answers are in the book Java Servlet Programming, so if you read the book you can use this FAQ as a final exam. jGuru is a new portal from the MageLang Institute. The PurpleTech FAQ has been merged with this FAQ.

JSP FAQ from jGuru
Uses JSP to generate the pages. It's shocking how many answers need to refer to the Servlet API. That's not a good sign for JSP being "easy to use for the non-programmer".

Servlet FAQ from The Esperanto Group
Darn good coverage.

Servlet Sites
jRoundup (New!)
A new Java site from Rational.

Mining Co. Servlet Page
Some links, also listed here.
A site providing open source servlets.

Java Skyline
A very busy site with lots of server-side Java resources.

Servlets, Inc.
At it's the "singular" counterpart to this site.

A short but growing list of servlet resources.

Paul Flavin's list of servlet links.
List of servlet documentation.

JavaToys: Writing Java Servlets
A short list of servlet resources.
Another list of servlet related articles.'s list of JSP links
Includes copies of the old 0.91 and 0.92 JSP specifications. Wonder how long before Sun sues over his use of the "cup" logo?

Orion Tag Extensions tutorial by Magnus Rydin (New!)
Gets you started writing JSP tag extensions (note custom tags don't have to be packaged in a .jar file as they claim).

Official servlet tutorial by Cynthia Bloch
Covers API 2.0 and 2.1.


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Copyright © 1999-2005 Jason Hunter
Last updated: March 1, 2009