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Mailing Lists

Servlet mailing lists are one of the best sources for up-to-the-minute information about servlets and related technologies. This page lists the mailing lists you may want to join, with links for more information and to archives!

There are mailing lists you can join also.

Now available: Searchable archives for the lists

Discussion Forums
The official servlet mailing list "servlet-interest"
Well over three thousand servlet enthusiasts subscribe. Useful for general servlet discussion. As always, try not to ask questions whose answers are easily found on your own (like by reading a book!).

The official JSP mailing list "jsp-interest"
The primary list for people interested in JSP.

Tomcat developer list "tomcat-dev"
Developer discussion about the Apache Tomcat server.

Tomcat user list "tomcat-user"
User discussion about the Apache Tomcat server.

ServletExec discussion "servletexec-interest"
Focuses on servlet discussion related to the ServletExec servlet container.

JRun official discussion "jrun-talk"
Focuses on servlet discussion related to the JRun servlet container.

JRun unofficial discussion "jrun-interest"
An older list than jrun-talk, but still popular.

Tea discussion list "tea-interest"
Tea is a wonderful framework for dynamic content, as discussed in Chapter 14 of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Ed. On this list you can learn about Tea from its creators, and from other users.

WebMacro discussion list "webmacro"
WebMacro is a templating engine built on servlets, as discussed in Chapter 15 of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Ed. On this list you can learn about WebMacro from its creators, and from other users.

Velocity developer list "velocity-dev"
Velocity is an Apache implemention of the WebMacro idea. This is the developer discussion list.

Velocity user list "velocity-user"
This is the Velocity user discussion list.

ECS developer list "ecs-dev"
ECS is an object-oriented method for creating dynamic content, as discussed in Chapter 16 of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Ed. On this list you can watch and help ECS development.

ECS user list "ecs-user"
On this list you can learn about ECS from its creators, and from other users.

XMLC discussion list "xmlc"
XMLC is a servlet-driven method for dynamic content using XML, as discussed in Chapter 17 of Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Ed. On this list you can learn about XMLC from its creators, and from other users.

Apache Jakarta discussion list "general@jakarta"
The central discussion forum for Apache Jakarta development.

Struts developer list "struts-dev"
Struts is an open source framework for JSP built with the "Model 2" architecture. On this list you can watch and help Struts development.

Struts user list "struts-user"
On this list you can learn Struts from its creators, and from other users.

Taglibs developer list "taglibs-dev"
Taglibs is an open source implemention of the JSP standard tag library (JSR-052). On this list you can watch and help Taglibs development.

Taglibs user list "taglibs-user"
On this list you can learn Taglibs from its creators, and from other users.
Web-based discussion group on servlet issues. announce list "servlets-announce"
Provides you with notification when new content is added to this site, such as a com.oreilly.servlet release or a soapbox article.


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Copyright © 1999-2005 Jason Hunter
Last updated: March 1, 2009