Class Summary |
B64Code |
Fast B64 Encoder/Decoder as described in RFC 1421. |
BlockingQueue |
Blocking queue. |
ByteArrayISO8859Writer |
Byte Array ISO 8859 writer. |
ByteArrayOutputStream2 |
ByteArrayOutputStream with public internals |
ByteArrayPool |
Byte Array Pool
Simple pool for recycling byte arrays of a fixed size. |
ByteBufferOutputStream |
ByteBuffer OutputStream. |
CachedResource |
Cached resource class. |
Code |
Coding Standards support. |
Code.LogMsg |
Log Message Object passed to the Log by Code. |
Credential |
Credentials. |
Credential.Crypt |
Unix Crypt Credentials |
Credential.MD5 |
Unix Crypt Credentials |
DateCache |
Date Format Cache. |
Frame |
Access the current execution frame. |
InetAddrPort |
InetAddress and Port. |
IO |
IO Utilities. |
JarResource |
KeyPairTool |
Perform simple private key management for keystores. |
LazyList |
Lazy List creation. |
LifeCycleThread |
Base Thread class implementing LifeCycle. |
LineInput |
Fast LineInput InputStream. |
LineInput.LineBuffer |
Reusable LineBuffer. |
Loader |
ClassLoader Helper. |
Log |
Log formatted and tagged messages. |
LoggerLogSink |
JDK 1.4 Logger LogSink
This implementation of LogSink can be used to direct messages to
the JDK 1.4 log mechanism. |
LogWriter |
A Writer that writes to the Log when it is flushed. |
MultiMap |
A multi valued Map. |
NullLogSink |
Observed |
Helpful extension to Observable. |
OutputStreamLogSink |
A Log sink. |
Password |
Password utility class. |
PKCS12Import |
This class can be used to import a key/certificate pair from a pkcs12 file
into a regular JKS format keystore for use with jetty and other java based
SSL applications, etc. |
Pool |
A pool of Objects. |
Primitive |
Deprecated. Use TypeUtil |
QuotedStringTokenizer |
StringTokenizer with Quoting support. |
Resource |
Abstract resource class. |
RolloverFileOutputStream |
A File OutputStream that rolls overs. |
SingletonList |
Singleton List. |
StringBufferWriter |
A Writer to a StringBuffer. |
StringMap |
Map like class of Strings to Objects. |
StringUtil |
Fast String Utilities. |
TempByteHolder |
Temporary buffer for bytes to be used in situations where bytes need to be buffered
but total size of data is not known in advance and may potentially be very large. |
TestCase |
Test Harness and report. |
ThreadedServer |
Threaded socket server. |
ThreadPool |
A pool of threads. |
ThreadPool.PoolThread |
Pool Thread class. |
TypeUtil |
TYPE Utilities. |
UnixCrypt |
Unix Crypt. |
URI Holder. |
UrlEncoded |
Handles coding of MIME "x-www-form-urlencoded". |
URLResource |
Abstract resource class. |
WriterOutputStream |
Wrap a Writer as an OutputStream. |