import*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.html.*; import; public class ToolViewServlet extends HttpServlet { private Tool[] tools; public void init() throws ServletException { // Load the tool data in our init for simplicity String toolsFile = getInitParameter("toolsFile"); // from web.xml if (toolsFile == null) { throw new ServletException( "A tools data file must be specified as the toolsFile init parameter"); } log("Loading tools from " + toolsFile); try { tools = Tool.loadTools(toolsFile); if (tools.length == 0) { log("No tools found in " + toolsFile); } else { log(tools.length + " tools found in " + toolsFile); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); // Create the DOM tree for the full document Template template = new Template(); // Create the DOM Tree that contains the internal content ToolView toolview = new ToolView(); // Get the prototype tool view record HTMLDivElement record = toolview.getElementRecord(); // Get a reference to the insertion point for the tool list HTMLDivElement insertionPoint = template.getElementContent(); Node insertionParent = insertionPoint.getParentNode(); // Set the template title, deck, and desc // Pull the data from the toolview.html file String title = ((Text)toolview.getElementTitle().getFirstChild()).getData(); String deck = ((Text)toolview.getElementDeck().getFirstChild()).getData(); String desc = ((Text)toolview.getElementDesc().getFirstChild()).getData(); template.setTitle(title); // the page title template.setTextTitle(title); // the element marked "title" template.setTextDeck(deck); // the element marked "deck" template.setTextDesc(desc); // the element marked "desc" // Loop over the tools adding a record for each for (int i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) { Tool tool = tools[i]; toolview.setTextToolName(; toolview.setTextToolComments(tool.comments); if (tool.isNewWithin(45)) { toolview.setTextToolStatus(" (New!) "); } else if (tool.isUpdatedWithin(45)) { toolview.setTextToolStatus(" (Updated!) "); } else { toolview.setTextToolStatus(""); } HTMLAnchorElement link = toolview.getElementToolLink(); link.setHref(tool.homeURL); Text linkText = toolview.createTextNode(tool.homeURL); link.replaceChild(linkText, link.getLastChild()); // importNode() is DOM Level 2 insertionParent.insertBefore(template.importNode(record, true), null); } // Remove insertion placeholder insertionParent.removeChild(insertionPoint); // Output the document DOMFormatter formatter = new DOMFormatter(); // can be heavily tweaked formatter.write(template, out); } }