## snoop.wm #set $Response.ContentType = "text/html" Let's Snoop! ## A snoop template to get comfortable with WebMacro

Miscellaneous Info

QueryString: $Request.QueryString
RemoteUser: $Request.RemoteUser
## WebMacro does not yet recognize isXXX() properties; must use a method call ## It doesn't currently have elseif either (it's being added) #if ($Request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) { You're in a session thanks to cookies! } #else { #if ($Request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { You're in a session thanks to URL rewriting! } #else { You're not in a session, poor guy. } }

Parameter Info

#foreach $paramName in $Request.ParameterNames { $paramName: $Request.getParameter($paramName)

Header Info

#foreach $headerName in $Request.HeaderNames { $headerName: $Request.getHeader($headerName)

Cookie Info

#foreach $cookie in $Request.Cookies { $cookie.Name: $cookie.Value