February 16, 2005
Jason's 2005 Speaking Schedule

Some people have been asking me when and where I'll be speaking in 2005, so here's a short rundown.

February 22: I'm speaking at the SDForum in Palo Alto, CA, on XQuery and Web Services.

March 3 and 4: I'm speaking at The Server Side conference in Las Vegas, NV. I'm giving two talks, one titled Open Source from the Inside and another titled just XQuery.

March 17: I'm speaking at the SD West conference in Santa Clara, CA, presenting an XQuery Case Study.

May 25: I'm speaking at XTech 2005 in Amsterdam presenting a talk XQuery Search and Update where I'll show how XQuery can support search and update based on our experiences at Mark Logic implementing these features.

August 1-5: I'm likely to speak at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland, OR. The topics haven't been chosen.

Then throughout the year in about 12 different cities in the US I'll be part of the No Fluff Just Stuff tour. This is my fourth year on the tour. At each venue there are about 10 really excellent speakers. I usually speak on about 5 or 6 topics, with new ones every year. This year I'll be presenting: "Open Source from the Inside", "An Introduction to XQuery", "XQuery By Example: Advanced Web Publishing", "Java Metadata", "Extreme Web Caching", and "Forgotten Algorithms II". The likely cities where I'll be speaking are: Houston, Minneapolis, Denver, Reston, Raleigh, Austin, San Diego, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Chicago, Seattle, and then Denver again.

Posted by Jason Hunter at 05:39 PM
February 15, 2005
Screencasting with Jon Udell

I recently did a "screencast" with Jon Udell at Infoworld in which I demo XQuery and the MarkLogic Server. It's 12 minutes long and shows some short but powerful queries running against O'Reilly book and article content. Jon and I talked for about 75 minutes. He edited it down to 12 minutes to fit within the average online attention span.

What is a screencast? It's a video blog format that Jon and others have been experimenting with lately. Some things, like this demo, are just better expressed with video.

Here's the permalink:

Posted by Jason Hunter at 02:47 PM